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Start Your Profitable Photography Business Today.

  • Build a business and a job that you love
  • Land Clients That Pay You Every Month
  • Setup Your Portfolio That Brings In Paid Work
  • Learn how to Get Clients Reaching Out To You

The Ultimate Photography Bundle


Start Your Profitable Photography Business Today.

The Ultimate Photography Bundle
The Ultimate Photography Bundle

The Ultimate Photography Bundle


Watzac logo 600x600 png.png__PID:22dbb02a-670a-408b-871c-f5ff3e9ef5c8Watzac logo 600x600 png.png__PID:22dbb02a-670a-408b-871c-f5ff3e9ef5c8

Start Your Profitable Photography Business Today.

  • Build a business and a job that you love
  • Land Clients That Pay You Every Month
  • Setup Your Portfolio That Brings In Paid Work
  • Learn how to Get Clients Reaching Out To You

The Ultimate Photography Bundle


From beginner to your first $1000 Job

I'll teach you exactly how to


Discover Your Industry


Setup your portfolio


Craft your irresistible offer


Use the fair contract templates


Reach out to the right contacts


Land your first $1000 job

See What's Inside The Ultimate Photography Bundle


The Challenge Is Real...

  • Struggling to find paying clients?
  • Tired of not getting paid what you're worth? 
  • Exhausted by bouncing from client to client and not having a consistent stream of income?
  • Wishing you had inbound client leads directly to you?

I get it, starting a photography business is hard! It's exhausting trying to deal with reaching out to businesses, handling contracts, chasing late payments and working on projects all while trying to make enough money to build your business!

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From a broke photographer to working with some of the biggest brands.

7 years ago I started my first photography business and after disappointing client after client shooting in the event and hospitality industries I decided to try my hand at travel photography.

In 2019 I made a net loss of $21,000 after 1 year of full time travel and I can vividly remember seeing $41 in my bank account as I landed back home in Australia.

I made it my mission from that day forward just to be able to support myself with my camera. Today I'm proud to say that I have achieved that goal and have been able to build a photography business that supports my girlfriend and I, is highly profitable and has allowed me to work with some of the biggest companies on the planet.

Brands I've worked with -

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From a broke photographer to working with some of the biggest brands.

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7 years ago I started my first photography business and after disappointing client after client shooting in the event and hospitality industries I decided to try my hand at travel photography.

In 2019 I made a net loss of $21,000 after 1 year of full time travel and I can vividly remember seeing $41 in my bank account as I landed back home in Australia.

I made it my mission from that day forward just to be able to support myself with my camera. 4 years later, I have been able to build a photography business that supports my girlfriend and I, is highly profitable and has allowed me to work with some of the biggest companies on the planet.

Brands I've worked with -

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Start Your Profitable Photography Business Today.

The Ultimate Photography Bundle
The Ultimate Photography Bundle

The Ultimate Photography Bundle


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My Best Selling Lightroom Presets

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Let me walk you through -


How to initially Build Your Portfolio

You need example work to land jobs but to get example work you need to land jobs. A headache I know... I'll walk you through exaclty how to get over this speedbump quickly.


How to nail word of mouth marketing

Turn one client into 2,3,4 or even 5 with the approach to word of mouth marketing that will bring in more clients for your business than you could of imagined.


How to get clients reaching out to you

The strategies you're about to learn will teach you how to bring in a consistent stream of potential clients emailing you to shoot for their business.


How to go full-time

Take the leap with an undeniable amount of proof that you're ready to make this your full-time job. It's scary to turn your photography business into your career but there has never been a better time to do.

From beginner to your first $1000 client

I'll teach you exactly how to


Workout What Industry You Want To Break Into


Setup Your Portfolio


Craft Your Offer To Clients


Setup Fair and Easy To Read Contracts


Find and Reach Out To The Right Contacts


Land Your First $1000 Client

What My Students Are Saying

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My Favourite Clients I've Landed


South Australia Tourism

While on a road trip in South Australia with a good friend of mine, the South Australia Tourism Board reached out to me mid-trip! They had seen the content my friend and I were shooting and instead of asking us to work on a specific campaign, they actually just wanted to license images from us. We had already shot and edited so much while on the trip that when they reached out we were able to deliver them to so many images that it took the trip we were on from a free, all-expenses paid trip to a very profitable trip!



Once the DJI Mini 4 Pro was announced I was surprised to see DJI pop up in my inbox. I'd never worked with them before on any project but had been using their products for years. I worked on the launch campaign back in October of 2023. Dji was a brand I had been striving to work with since I first started flying my Mavic Pro back in 2017.


Aint Forever

I've been working with Aint Forever consistently since mid-2021. Building a solid business relationship with clients is one of the best ways to ensure recurring work and income. I've shot for Aint Forever in over 7 different countries and counting. I've been able to see the brand grow from strength to strength and personally grow alongside it.


Corona always seems to push creative projects and this was no different. On a trip out to the Komodo Islands in Indonesia, Corona was working on a project that captured the beauty, bio-diversity and culture of the Komodo Islands all while of course incorporating the Corona brand. This 5-day paid project was spent on a boat sailing through some of the most incredible landscapes I've ever seen which was a bit of a 'pinch-me' moment.


Marriott Bonvoy

When Marriott reached out and wanted to create promotional content for some of their best resorts in Asia, you bet I was on the first plane over! Capturing experiences and the unique locations the Marriott resorts were located in was the north star of this project. No classic, wide-angle room shots, just people enjoying the experiences Marriott can bring them.


Thailand Tourism

When I think of Thailand, I think of food. Fortunately, when the Tourism Board of Thailand emailed me about a new campaign they were shooting, they wanted the focus to be on the food scene that Bangkok offers. They wanted the essence and wide range of cuisines captured in a unique way that would draw more attention to Thailand's incredible food culture.


Patsch Tequila

After building up a portfolio of alcohol brand work, Patsch Tequila reached out and wanted me to shoot campaigns for their social media pages. They were looking for someone who could shoot everything for them and while I had other clients I was working with at the time I wasn't able to take on the full workload. So I recommended quite a few friends that I knew would do a great job and we all ended up working together for the past 2 years all over the world with Patsch Tequila

Start building a business that pays you to do what you love.

The Ultimate Photography Bundle

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For Only $99

My Money-Back & 100% Satisfaction Guarantee 💰

I want the investment in The Ultimate Photography Bundle to be an absolute no-brainer for you. If you're here to follow the steps and strategies outlined in the course and don't land a client within 90 days, I'll personally refund you your entire payment.

Please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if you've completed the course and followed the strategies, steps and guidelines I've walked you through. After the 90 Days is up, please email me within 7 days with proof of completion and steps followed and I'll process your refund immediately.  

Start your photography business today full of confidence and on a clear path to land your first profitable client.

So, are you ready to level up as a photographer?