Week 6 - Podcast recommendations for the new year

Happy New Year, great to have you back!
There is no other time like the new year to get that ball rolling with fresh ideas and the amount of inspiration going around right now is huge. With that said, it dies off quickly, believe me.
So I wanted to recommend my top 3 podcasts I listen to for different reasons but the main focus is to keep you motivated, and focused and to give you tools to actually do what it is that you want to do.
I also do not know any of these podcasters personally I’ve just listened to them for years now and want to share them with you. No funny sponsorship business going on here.
First up is - The Futur with Chris Do
If you’re a creative looking to grow and expand your business you have just been gifted every lesson I’ve learnt, every strategy I’ve used for the past 4 years to get me to where I am today. I’ve shared this podcast with so many people and that is because I genuinely love Chris’s way of teaching and it hits me right where I need it.
Here are a few episode recommendations -
These episodes are classics I go back to all the time and for all my non-spotify users out there, once you open the link, the name of the podcast will come up and you can put that into Apple Podcasts, YouTube and so on. This goes for all recommendations coming up.
Next up is what I think is one of the biggest podcasts that blew up like crazy last year - Modern Wisdom
This podcast covers, talks and deep dives into a lot so it’s a little tough to cover exactly what Chris Williamson covers in a summarised sentence but with that said, the title “Modern Wisdom” couldn’t be more accurate. Chris speaks to some of the greatest minds of our time and the way he interviews and positions his questions is incredible. If you’re looking to level up your knowledge in so many areas of life or just get a shit ton of no-bullshit guidance and inspiration then Modern Wisdom is where you need to be.
Here are a few episode recommendations -
The second podcast on this list is genuinely life-changing on a different level.
Last but not least is Strike It Big
If you’re into personal finance this is where it’s at. One of the things I love about this podcast is the contrast between generations. Curtis and is Dad are nearly on every podcast together and when they are, it’s some of the best content. Hearing from some of the youngest entrepreneurs in our generation, understanding what it takes to reach high places and the importance of not spending all of your money as soon as it comes in is incredibly valuable.
Here are a few episode recommendations -
Well, that wraps up that! These should keep you busy until we speak next week unless you’re an absolute powerhouse podcast listener 😅
That’s it from me, see you early next year, thank you for your time and I’ll catch you in the next one, peace